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Here are some photos of artifacts of the ship.
Remember to click on an image to enlarge.

Commissioning Ceremony Invitation

commisioning_ceremony_invitation.jpg (92874 bytes)


Every ship had a dance:

shipdancecover.jpg (95228 bytes)shipdanceinside.jpg (161131 bytes)shipdanceback.jpg (108595 bytes)


Christmas Dinner, 1944  Aboard Ship

ChristmasMenu1944.jpg (300987 bytes)ChristmasMenu1944_inside.jpg (902463 bytes)Christmas_Menu1944back.jpg (922222 bytes)


Dawn Alert!  the ship's newspaper published this prophetic poem:  (Author Unknown)
Read Plain Text

DawnAlertp1.jpg (608723 bytes)

Gala Victory Night Program
in honor of the
and the
August 23rd, 1945

victory_card_front.jpg (97764 bytes)victory_card_inside.jpg (137574 bytes)victory_card_back.jpg (80269 bytes)

Take a good look at some of the names-- they're old time stage and movie greats.

The ship's anchor rests in a cemetery in Elgin, Illinois.

anchor.jpg (94231 bytes)

Purchased as a memorial to his son, Laverne Schroeder, a heart broken father purchased the ship's anchor and placed it in his hometown.